Reindeer Relays

For our last PE class before vacation, we got into the Holiday spirit with the Reindeer Relays.   We began with a challenging round of “Santa Says.”   It’s amazing how the kids can listen when they want to!!

After that, we did some relay races.  Some of our teams were:  Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph, Dasher, Comet…I think you get the idea 🙂 Our first race was “Present delivery”–each team had a beanie baby that served as their “present.”  They raced back and forth and got some exercise too!  Next were the scooter relays–“Elf races” and “Sleigh Ride.”

We ended with an intense game of “Ultimate snowball fight.”   Since we didn’t have snow on the ground, I had to resort to the next best thing–snowballs made by Hallmark out of cotton, delivered by Amazon, just in time for our classes.  We had 40 snowballs whizzing around the gym….it was a “ball.”  (sorry…pun intended)

At the end, we gathered at “Wildcat Circle” and I delivered my Christmas card to them in person….

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the halls,

The students were nearly climbing the walls.

The artwork was hung on the walls with great care

In hopes that people would enjoy seeing it there.

The students were sitting in their seats with pencils in hand

While visions of vacation days much attention did demand.

The students came to PE class that day,

Wondering just what game they might play.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

A teacher it was, she was filled with great cheer.

This fairly young teacher was lively and quick,

And did not look at all like the real Saint Nick!

She got their attention and went straight to her work

And on her face was a funny little smirk.

She made them do pushups and skip, jump and hop

And blew her whistle like a traffic cop. 

Then she looked around the room with great holiday cheer

And said, Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!!


Our board of Christmas joys!


Wizards of Winter!!

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